Wing Kink

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Tropes and genres
Related tropes/genresWings in Fanworks
See alsoAngels in Fanworks
Related articles on Fanlore.

Wing Kink is a trope where characters have wings, and those wings are an erogenous zone and caressing them produces pleasurable feelings. This may include canonical characters with wings, or characters who are given wings.

Many Wing Kink fics make use of a variety of secondary tropes common to the genre, among them:

  • Grooming: The winged character needs to take regular care of their feathers, and for some reason either requires or invites the help of the love interest in this activity.
  • Wing Oil: The winged character possesses oil glands that lubricate their feathers/wings, leading the partner to stroke the (often pheromonal) oil through the feathers. The oil usually smells appealing and doubles as a convenient sexual lubricant.
  • Cultural Differences: If paired with a non-winged character, the winged character may struggle with communicating the intimate and erotic implications of allowing someone else to touch their wings.

Unsurprisingly, fic writers in fandoms with canonical winged characters tend to be the ones that most often make use of this kink. For example, three of the five top fandoms on AO3 that include this tag have canonical angel characters.[1]

Example Fanworks



  1. ^ Wing Kink (Accessed 10 June 2022).