Willy's Chocolate Experience

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Event: Willy Wonka Experience
Participants: Billy Coul
House of Illuminati
AI-Generated Content
Date(s): 24th February 2024
Fandom: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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Willy's Chocolate Experience, also known colloquially as Glasgow Willy Wonka or the Willy Wonka Experience, was a scam event in Glasgow, Scotland based around the eponymous chocolate factory from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The event was a disaster, and went viral after reports documenting it cropped up on social media and news outlets.

Marketing material for the event was overwhelmingly generated by AI, as was the script the cast allegedly had to use. Willy Wonka became 'Willy McDuff', the Oompa Loompas were instead 'Wonkidoodles', and an entirely new evil chocolatier character was generated called 'The Unknown'.

Memes surrounding the event began to arise, involving characters such as the Unknown and an Oompa Loompa residing over a single chocolate station. It was compared to similiar disaster events such as Dashcon and Fyre Festival.


Willy's Chocolate Experience was set up by House of Illuminati, one of several companies Billy Coull had created mere months leading up to the event. Coull had previously set up a suspected food bank scam in 2021, and had released a number of AI-generated books on Amazon in 2023, the subjects of which included, among other things, anti-vax conspiracy theories.


Meme (March 2024) by foxsketch6543, comparing the event with Dashcon
feel like based on the unfortunate fates that befell each of the golden ticket kids in the original charlie and the chocolate factory novel the glasgow ai generated wonka experience was true to the text as anything in leaving a bunch of children in tears and frightened to their core[1]

The Unknown

One of the more popular characters to come out of the event was The Unknown, one of the AI-generated characters portrayed physically in the form of a black cloaked figure with curly black hair and a silver mask.

Meth Lab Oompa Loompa

Ai Art

Honestly we need more dogshit AI events. If they're good AI art will seem more profitable.

Fire off as many rent lowering[notes 1] events as possible.[2]

Comparisons with Dashcon

Fans compared the disastrous event to Tumblr Dashcon, with several memes created as a result (see side image).[3]


Initially, one of the actors playing Wonka himself, Paul Connell, was generally looked upon favourably by both those who went and those who didn't. However, he has since become a Milkshake Duck after he was accused by a former pupil of his of grooming her.[4]

Similiar Events

Copycat events/recursive fandom?

Similiar Disasters

  • Brick Fest Live - Lego fest in the UK
  • Pokéverse - Pokémon con in the Philippines
  • Dirt Dog Bluey Event - Bluey event in the USA[5]




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  1. ^ A reference to the concept of "firing gunshots to lower the rent", Archived version has been a popular meme/in-group view of tumblr culture since at least November 2022 (example 1 example 2).
