Sophie Moore/Ryan Wilder

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Pairing: Sophie Moore/Ryan Wilder
Alternative name(s): Wildmoore
Gender category: F/F, Femslash
Fandom: Batwoman
Canonical?: Yes
Prevalence: Popular
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Sophie Moore/Ryan Wilders is a canonical femslash pairing in the Batwoman fandom. Their canon relationship follows an enemies-to-lovers arc in canon.



Wildmoore is the most popular pairing in the Batwoman fandom on Archive of Our Own with 852 works as of 7th October 2023, and is also regularly discussed on social media platforms like Tumblr. The pairing has also been the topic of meta discussion on some podcasts.

Fan Commentary

(overview of fans' reactions to the ship, including relevant quotes from both within and outside the fandom)

All jokes aside, I’ve actually never seen two black women on screen together like this; deeply into one another, kissing, giggling, letting their worries melt away while they just focus on one another and letting themselves feel. It’s a very beautiful thing for a black lesbian such as myself to see and I truly didn’t realize how much I needed to see that until now


Y'all truly don't understand how good WildMoore is. It's EXACTLY what I've wanted from every sapphic ship. I'm a big fan of slow burn and I've noticed how sapphic relationships always happen so fast in most shows I watch. They're pining in today's episode then next week they've moved in together. But with Ryan and Sophie we're getting the treatment the straight couples usually get. We're getting the enemies to friends to lovers that span more than a few episodes. I'm LIVING for this. And even if they kiss next week, we know a love triangle is coming. Like, this is what I want. The slow burn I NEED. The angst! Not to mention, it's a sapphic relationship between two black women which is so RARE because CW loves their interracial couples. And as much as I enjoy those too. I'm so glad I'm finally able to see two black women hopefully fall in love 🗣️. Thank you Batwoman writers.


Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Enemies to lovers - As this is a part of their canonical story arc, it often appears in fanworks as well.


Example Fanworks




Other Fanworks


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  1. ^ redoqs post, Tumblr. Feb. 3, 2022. (Oct. 7, 2023)
  2. ^ femslashfantasies post, Tumblr. Nov. 4, 2021. (Oct. 7, 2023)