The White Rose of Night

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Title: The White Rose of Night
Publisher: IIBNF Press
Author(s): Felicity Granger
Cover Artist(s):
Illustrator(s): IIBNF
Date(s): 1994? (Australian version: The White Rose of Night page at Goodreads says "first published 1995" and an excerpt from the author's site says (c)1994. (Accessed 30 December 2010)
1999 (US version?)
Medium: print
Genre: slash
Fandom: UFO
Language: English
External Links: publisher's site
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The White Rose of Night is a slash AU UFO novel by Felicity Granger.

The novel was republished under the title White Rose of Night with the serial numbers filed off by Gay Men's Press in either 1996 [1] or 1997.[2]

The flyer: White Rose Of Night, Archived version

From the Publisher

The White Rose of Night was written some time ago by Felicity Granger, and the fanzine was originally only available in Australia due to its huge size. At nearly 230 pages it was simply too expensive to post this great tome overseas. Since then I've learned a few things about formatting, and have brought the fanzine down to approximately 150 pages, and fixed up a few other things. Since it's now possible to post this fanzine overseas, I'm re-releasing it for a limited time. You can see me for original copies, or contact AWS in the States for the new updated version. You should be aware though, that this new version has no artwork (You can see some of the original artwork on my art page[3]).

White Rose is a wonderful AU based on the television show UFO, but set in the 12 century. A very long romantic tale of the crusades, battles, and alien mystique. White Rose is an example of the best of Felicity's writing as she gives us an incredible love story between Ed Straker, and his squire Paul Foster, from first glances, developing relationship, and on throughout their lives. [4]

Republished as a Pro Work

In a vastly different scenario, WHITE ROSE OF NIGHT is a tale of crusader knights, Saracens, great battles dark sorcery, and a couple of the most unlikely gay heroes. Saxon knight and half-Hispanic orphan, both are carried like leaves before the winds of change, in an age, and a place, where being gay would literally be the death of you. WHITE ROSE is a massive historical with a delicious vein of fantasy. The historical aspect is as deeply researched and as keenly drawn as you'll find in every gay book from Mel Keegan; but WHITE ROSE also offers a dusky eroticism, an underpinning of blood-rich sensuality. Magic, pain, bondage, fear, death, all are explored in a novel you won't quickly forget. [5]


  1. ^ Historical
  2. ^ White Rose of Night (Open Library). (Accessed 30 December 2010)
  3. ^ The art page can still be accessed via Wayback but the image link strakerWRON.jpg is broken. (Accessed 30 December 2010)
  4. ^ IIBNF. White Rose of Night. (Accessed 30 December 2010)
  5. ^ Historical