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Name: Catrinella
Alias(es): whiskeydaisy
Type: Fan writer, podficcer
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Sherlock, Avengers, others
Communities: andropotterist (mod)
URL: catrinella & whiskeydaisy (deleted) on LiveJournal
catrinella on InsaneJournal
Catrinella (no works) and whiskeydaisy (deleted) on AO3
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Catrinella, later known as whiskeydaisy, is a fan who was originally active in Harry Potter fandom and later wrote fanfiction in several others.

Her fics have been orphaned on Archive of Our Own.

During Strikethrough on LiveJournal, Catrinella was one of the earliest to respond, keeping a running commentary and link-filled post on the day's events.[1]

Transformative Works Policy

You have permission to podfic, translate, or create art for any of my works. I would love it if you would link to the original story on AO3 and if you sent me a link (whiskeyfic at gmail) so I can add it to the story notes and other people can see/hear your work.

At this time, I do not grant permission to remix or write sequels. I have a lot of ideas for further stories in the universes I've built (particularly the alternate universes), but not enough time to write them as quickly as I'd like.

Specific to podfic transformative works
(borrowed/remixed from helens78 via akamine-chan)

I am also a podficcer and I know that written stories sometimes have elements that are hard to podfic. If you feel that minor changes are needed (add or remove dialogue tags, etc.), that's fine. For larger changes, please contact me first and we'll see what we can work out.

If you make such changes, it would be awesome if you'd mention it in the notes: "this fic is by [author] with (additions/alterations/ease-of-podfic transformations/contributions/however you want to describe it) by [your name]", or "adapted for podfic by [you] from a work by [author]" or whatever -- whether that's in your post or in the "headers" in the podfic.

Catrinella's profile on AO3 (accessed July 2024)

Example Fanworks


  1. ^ catrinella on LiveJournal. "Permanent Suspensions", or Strikethrough2007, Archived version. Posted 29 May 2007; last updated 31 May 2007. Archived 23 January 2015 (originally public, now locked).