When in Rome (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: When in Rome
Author(s): Helen Sneddon
Date(s): 1983
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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When in Rome is a gen Star Trek: TOS story by Helen Sneddon.

It was published in Alnitah #15.

Reactions and Reviews

Spock is bitten by a plant whose psychotropic properties McCoy is investigating, and is mentally propelled into Vulcan's racial memory and life as a tribal raider while McCoy tries to come up with a chemical concoction to jolt his healing center back into action. Spock kills, eats meat... and is about to take the woman he has abducted when McCoy gets through. Spock quite logically decides to hold him off for a time. Clever premise for getting Spock into pre-reform times.[1]
