When Idylls Cease to Play

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Title: When Idylls Cease to Play
Author(s): Rebecca Ross
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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When Idylls Cease to Play is Star Trek: TOS story by Rebecca Ross.

It was published in R & R #4.

Reactions and Reviews

Rather dull little romance between Spock and Shoshannah, an intellectual Mary Sue just his type. They have a little shore leave idyll together, then she goes off to a new assignment; maybe they’ll marry, maybe not. [1]

...concerns a young woman named Shoshonna who hides her heart even better than Spock hides his... and, ironically, it is the Vulcan who helps her come to grips with emotional and sexual suppression. [2]
