When All Else Fails (Starsky & Hutch poem)

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Title: When All Else Fails
Author(s): Dotty Barry
Date(s): 1979
Genre: gen
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
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When All Else Fails is a gen Starsky and Hutch story by Dotty Barry.

"When All Else Fails" shows what might have happened after "The Fix."

It was published in the fourth issue of Zebra Three.

Reactions and Reviews

"When All Else Fails", a postscript to The Fix. This is a smoothly written, sensitive story that picks up on some of the subtler as pects of the characters and their relationship, defines and clarifies them. There's a sense of proportion here—the author never lapses into over-idealization, nor the tale into melodrama. [1]

Dotty Berry's "When All Else Fails" somehow seems to lack that spark that is always there between Starsky and Hutch. Her Starsky is kibbutzing too much. [2]

When All Else Fails A nice story with good characterization. It helped fill the gaps left in the aired episode, THE FIX [3]

Being a Dotty Barry fan, I was thrilled to see When All Else Fails. I was even more thrilled when I started reading and realized what she was dealing with. I've iImagined similar scenes myself after that particular show (THE FIX) ended. I knew Hutch would have guilt feelings to deal with. Dotty handled it beautifully with her usual excellent style and insight. [4]

When All Else Fails - All too believable! I, too, thought that Hutch would feel guilty about giving Jeanne up. You know, what if time. ...The reference to Starsky working alone "all those years" jarred as I feel they couldn't have possibly worked separately more than a couple of years. But other than that I enjoyed it. [5]

'When All Else Fails did an excellent job of continuing, or should I say, finishing one of my favorite episodes. "And They All Lived Happily Ever After" ending just didn't seem to fit where the original left off. It didn't seem possible to have an experience like that and come out of it without any hang-ups. When All Else Fails not only provided the hang-ups, but also the answers to them. [6]

When All Else Fails is a welcome switch from "Ken Hutchinson, boy shrink." Starsk has depth, too! A good job. [7]


  1. ^ from Jane Aumerle in Star Canticle #2
  2. ^ from S and H #1
  3. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  4. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  5. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  6. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5
  7. ^ from an LoC in "Zebra Three" #5