Warrior Cats Trollfics

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Name: Warrior Cats Trollfics
Date(s): 2015? - present
Archivist: Starstruck Moonlight (current site)
Fandom: Warrior Cats
URL: original site (inactive)
spiritual successor
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Warrior Cats Trollfics is a series of websites dedicated to archiving Warrior Cats trollfic and badfic. It hosts more than 60 works, including a copy of Starkit's Prophecy.

Weebly Site

After years of being poorly tracked and archived, the maker of this website has come to her senses, and decided to make a trollfic archive specifically designed for the Warriors fandom.

The Official Archive

Welcome to the official Warrior Cats Trollfic Archive! Here, we store as many Warrior Cats trollfics and badfics as we can get. We preserve them in their original states, and as much of the content as possible.

Please keep in mind that most of them will be incomplete, due to them having being deleted or not being updated in a while.

Neocities Site

Welcome to warriorcatstrollfics.neocities.org, what is possibly the one and only Warriors trollfic archive active in the modern era! This is a database dedicated entirely to preserving as many trollfics and parody Sue fics in their original states as possible, as they're rather prone to being deleted from the internet. Intentionally horrible and cliche art is art too - and perhaps you'll get a laugh out of reading some of these!

As is hopefully already clear from the homepage, we are a website dedicated to the preservation of Warrior Cats trollfic, an underrecognized subcategory of Warrior Cats fanfiction. Both I, the webmaster, and my sibling who provides site assistance have been fascinated for years with the subcultures around parody Mary Sues and intentionally bad fanfic. However, by these fics' very nature, they tend to disappear from the internet with little fanfare, hence this archive!

All stories backed up and linked here hail from other websites, and unless stated otherwise we neither own nor are we affiliated with the authors of the fanfiction archived here. We are also in no way affiliated with Erin Hunter, Harper Collins Publishing, or really any other legal entity which may lay claim to this series of cat books. We also do not in any way condone any of the questionable, disturbing, bigoted, or shocking views and content displayed in many of these stories.

I lend many thanks to W3schools and Stackoverflow for coding assistance, plus the Internet Archive and the old Warriors trollfic Weebly site for supplying the full text of many fics which no longer seem to exist elsewhere!