Warner Bros.

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Name: Warner Bros.
Date(s): 1923-
Profit/Nonprofit: Profit
Country based in: USA
Focus: Television, Film, Music
External Links: warnerbros.com
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Warner Bros. is one of the world's premier multimedia entertainment companies. They have released thousands of movies, television shows, comic books, albums, and more. Their productions include, among others:

Copyright Lawsuits

Warner Bros. has been involved in several copyright lawsuits against Harry Potter fans[1], the most famous of which is probably The Harry Potter Lexicon case.

They are also the subject of lawsuits that claim they used other creators' works without proper licenses - Bethesda sued them for the Westworld mobile app based on the TV series, claiming it's a rip-off of Fallout Shelter[2], and their 2013 movie The Conjuring is also contested.[3]

Fan Art

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