Virginia's World...

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Virginia's World...
Author: Virginia Champion
Dates: active 1999/2000, the story is from 1998
Fandom: Highlander
URL: (Wayback link)
Virginia's Fic.png
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Virginia's World... was a personal fanfiction site. It was part of Oregondonor and hosted a single Highlander slash story: Solitary Pleasures.

Subject: ROG: SLASH: D/M - Pleasures

This is a first time story. First time for Duncan and Methos, and first fiction attempt for me. It’s dedicated to all the creative fanfic authors whose writings I’ve enjoyed over the years. Your hard work and originality is an inspiration. Thanks guys!

Without my helpful and skilled beta, Jan, I’d never have gotten this finished. In fact, she put in so much time and energy that she merits listing as co-author. All the errors and rough spots are mine, all the continuity is hers.

Rating: NC-17.

Warnings: None. It’s plain old vanilla. Except for being slash, of course. :-)