Daphne and Velma's World O'Pretty Boys

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Name: Daphne and Velma's World O'Pretty Boys
Owner/Maintainer: Daphne and Velma Doo
Dates: 2000 or before - 2010 or later (Wayback captures)
Fandom: Star Wars TPM, The X-Files, Gladiator
URL: http://www.ravenswing.com/EVILTWINS/ (Wayback)
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Daphne and Velma's World O'Pretty Boys is a website with fanfiction and other fun stuff.

The site was linked as Velma's World O' Pretty Boys at Mac & Anna's Place in the category "Individual Author Fiction and Fannish Personal Sites" and it was marked as a het and slash site.[1]

It was a member of the X-Files Fanfic Webring, the X-Files Ring, and The Adult Fan-Fiction Webring.

The names in the title are taken from the main female characters in the Scooby-Doo franchise.


  1. ^ Mac & Anna's Place. Links, via Wayback: 20 February 2001. (Accessed 20 December 2015)