Valkyrie (Criminal Minds story)

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Title: Valkyrie
Author(s): Illegal Cerebral
Date(s): 2018-01-01 to 2018-03-16
Length: 53325 (22 Chapters)
Genre(s): Case Story, Angst, Reader-Insert
Fandom(s): Criminal Minds
External Links: AO3 and Tumblr

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By day you are a dedicated Sheriff's Deputy and by night you deal out justice to those who evade it. You have always had control over the two sides until the BAU are brought to your doorstep and you find yourself struggling to balance the two halves of yourself. As you embark on a complicated relationship with one of the agents, everything you have fought for is at risk but is the promise of a new, better life worth it?

The story covers a period from March 2004 to September 2017 (after the Prison arc on the show). The story has a choice of two endings: one angsty, the other bittersweet.