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Name/s: Forodwaith, Northland, thenorthland
Fandom/s: LOTR, Angel, XF, Yuletide
You can find me at:
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

Where to find me

How I got here

X Files was my gateway fandom in 1996-97, at least for discovering fanfic in all its permutations. But apart from a few timid forays into, I never interacted with other fans.

Buffy & Angel introduced me to online fan communities when I discovered the old Table Talk TV threads.

Lord of the Rings was the first fandom I wrote in as an adult; like many (most?) of us I wrote epically bad Mary Sues as a teen, but no-one other than my best friend and writing partner read them. I was a member of the Henneth Annun Story Archive for years.

Sadly, these days Yuletide is the only "fandom" I write in regularly, though I've dipped my toes in others for fanwork exchanges.