Unspeakable (Star Trek VOY story)

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Title: Unspeakable
Author(s): Domjotter
Date(s): 1999
Fandom(s): Star Trek: VOY
External Links: Unspeakable (Trekiverse)

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Unspeakable is a Star Trek: VOY story by Domjotter.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

This is an beautiful Janeway, Paris character growth story. After being held prisoner, the Voyager crew has rescued her and Paris has her in the shuttlecraft. There are so many cliche things Domjotter could have done with this one; but she didn't do any of them. Unspeakable is a perfectly honed story where less indeed is more and an absolute pleasure to read. [1]

I really liked this one! This is Paris at his best - supportive and kind with a touch of humor. And I liked the parallel drawn between Admiral Paris with the Cardassians and Janeway's situation here. 'I did all I could do - held him while he cried...'Just beautiful! [2]

I truly adore this story. It has action and intrigue. Enough information is withheld to draw you in, but not too much to weigh you down with unnecessary details. The dialogue is aces. If only Tom and Chak could have such snappy patter written for them by TPTB. The action moves at a break neck pace--an in and out bee sting of a maneuver that sets the imagination on fire. And the touching tenderness that Tom shows Janeway when she's damaged and hurting. It was throat-chokingly beautiful. Great story. [3]


  1. ^ ASC, March 1999
  2. ^ ASC, March 1999
  3. ^ ASC, March 1999