United Kingdom Comic Art Convention

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Name: United Kingdom Comic Art Convention aka UKCAC
Dates: 1985-1998
Frequency: yearly
Location: London and Manchester, England
Type: fan run, non-profit 1985-1988; for profit 1989-1998
Focus: comics
Organization: Rusty Staples (1989–1998)
Founder: Frank Plowright, Hassan Yussuf, and Chris Savva
Founding Date: 1985
URL: Wikipedia
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UKCAC was a UK comics convention that was held predominantly in London from 1985-1997; the final convention in 1998 was held in Manchester. It was the successor to the British Comic Art Convention (commonly known as "Comicon,") which ran, mostly in London, from 1968 to 1981The same organizers also ran the Glasgow Comic Art Convention (GlasCAC) as a complementary convention, from 1990-1998. Between them, UKCAC and GlasCAC were the largest conventions of the kind held in the UK at the time.[1].
