Undercover Bats

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Discord server
NameUndercover Bats
Date(s)February 2021 - present
Moderator(s)_avi_jax (formerly), impravidus (formerly), arctic.wolf. (formerly), himenomau84, odd_izzy (formerly), queenofthesupernaturals (formerly), UsernameXYZ (formerly), likeapro42, CheetahLeopard2 (formerly)
Fandom(s)White Collar x DC
Accesspublic, unlisted
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Undercover Bats is a 16+ WCDC Discord server created in February 2021 by impravidus and _avi_jax. It had 490 members in June 2024. Most prevalent writers in the fandom are part of or have been part of the server.

The server experienced a moderation issue in March and April 2022 which contributed to its slowing activity.

There are a number of 18+ and NSFW channels.