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Title: Under
Author(s): Salieri
Date(s): 2006
Length: about 15,000 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Under is a gen Starsky and Hutch story by Salieri.

online art for the story, artist unknown

One summary: "Hutch goes under, Starsky hangs on."

The author warns for: "violence, language, drugs, nastiness, purple silk."


At least one fan took issue with the genre label of this story, saying that while the everything else in the story was gen, that the inclusion of these three sentences made the story a slash one: "Pausing with two fingers in the front pocket of Hutch's jeans, Starsky looked at him from an inch away, giving him a slow grin and the bedroom eyes. Hutch's smile faltered and was replaced with something indescribable but which was possibly fear verging on interest. Or maybe the other way around." [1]

Reactions and Reviews

The last scene, with Starsky searching Hutch's place, looking for the cigarettes, gets me every time. It is pitch perfect. [2]

She is simply one of the best writers out there. Her characterizations are dead-on and insightful. Her writing is like fine whiskey and starlight. Treat yourself on this fine spring night, and go read this story. You won't be sorry. [3]

This is another excellent gen story. This time it's Hutch undercover and Starsky on the outside looking in. They're working with the FBI to bring down a Mafia kingpin. The only problem is Starsky gets grabbed by the bad guys, and suddenly it's up to Hutch to not only finish the job, but keep his partner and he from being killed along the way. All the interaction between the guys feels so real, both from an emotional standpoint and through the dialogue. Our boys may be working apart, but they're never on their own. The connection between them is way too strong. [4]


  1. ^ personal correspondence between fan, [C M T] and Mrs. Potato Head in 2009
  2. ^ comments by Mrs. Potato Head
  3. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ from Ten Starsky & Hutch Stories I'd Suggest Any Newbie Begin With