USS Freedom

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Name: USS Freedom
Date(s): November 7, 1998
Type: email RPG
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
URL: Homepage, member page
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USS Freedom was a Star Trek Voyager simming community.


The USS Freedom was officially founded on November 7, 1998, as a spin off from the ULSG, that wished to handle more mature themes and function without the strictures of the previous organization. The story line takes place during/around the Voyager series and the Federation/Dominion fracas.

Preliminary Guidelines

The USS Freedom is a play by email sim currently crewed by adult players from three continents. Some of the players have played together for quite a while now and some know each other in "real life" as well. All of them, however, are more than willing and able to provide any help or assistance you might need. Remember: The only stupid question is the one you did not ask.

Affiliated Groups