Two Sides of the Coin

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Title: Two Sides of the Coin
Author(s): dith
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate: SG-1
External Links:
online here

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Two Sides of the Coin is a Stargate SG-1 story by dith.

Reactions and Reviews

While I don't quite buy Daniel's characterization here -- it's just a little too far away from canon -- dith is consistent with it, so I can buy it for the duration of the story. And the story itself is a fun ride, with a plot that moves along and Earth-descended-but-alien cultures (with local politics appropriate to them) and interesting OCs and a gradually more intimate relationship between Jack and Daniel that both of them have to deal with -- not always smoothly.[1]

Jack and Daniel are undercover on a planet with an Ancient Roman society, Jack posing as Daniel's bodyguard slave. In the midst of political turmoil, they wind up across the ocean in a society based on feudal Japan. All they want is to find a way back to Earth. Daniel is additionally dealing with the psychological fallout from Shifu's dream which lends him a useful strength to do what needs to be done, but also worries him. Both the worldbuilding and the original characters are deeply developed and satisfying, and the Jack/Daniel friendship, mutual reliance, and banter lead to a smart, mature, unique take on a Jack/Daniel relationship.[2]
