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Trip Through Your Wire

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Title: Trip Through Your Wire
Author(s): Garnet
Date(s): 2003
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: online here

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"Trip Through Your Wire" by Garnet is a Bodie/Doyle story.

It was originally published in Secret Agent Men #2 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Doyle tells the story of how he and Bodie started out. Beautifully written, with a heart-wrenching twist at the end. [1]

I have a thing for Pros stories that play up the slightly damaged, slightly dysfunctional side of Bodie and Doyle - the barriers they've had to put up in order to be able to survive the life they've chosen, the violence and grittiness of it; the way they live always on the edge, and how that inevitably affects their ability to connect with others; how affection is such a scarce commodity in their violent lives. I like stories in which they get together - i.e., start sleeping together - before they're able or willing to admit they love each other; I like when an author keeps the surface toughness while letting us see the slow letting-down of the barriers, giving us glimpses of the vulnerability and longing that are so closely guarded. I love the whole dynamic of them being too tough, but also too gun-shy, to acknowledge or trust those softer feelings readily.

Trip Through Your Wire pushes all of these buttons for me. Ray's close brush with death unsettles Bodie enough that he reveals his feelings, and Ray finds that he really wants Bodie too, but despite the obvious (to us) depth of their feelings as they come together in what is really a gorgeous blaze of lust and love and tenderness, neither is willing to make any sort of promise or declaration - even though we know, reading, that that is in fact what they're doing, however reluctant they might be to put a name to it. And Ray, looking back, knows it too, and, fearing that he might not get another chance, wishes he'd had the guts to say it.

It's a wonderful story, capturing the best of the characters, the things I love most about them, and it's slash the way I like it - great, solid voices and characterization, the guys being guys, with a bit of angst, a bit of hurt/comfort, tenderness that hesitantly shows itself despite the characters' natural wariness, some fairly hot sex, and a touching, satisfying ending. [2]


  1. ^ from a 2006 rec50
  2. ^ from a 2004 comment at Crack Van