Trinity's Fall

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Title: Trinity's Fall
Author(s): lavvyan
Genre(s): slash, Post-Trinity
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Trinity's Fall (first chapter)

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Trinity's Fall is an McShep fic by lavvyan.


"Rodney thinks he's tried hard enough by now."

Themes and Tropes

"Trinity's Fall" is an example of a post-Trinity trope and is one of the lemon chicken recommendations.


Fan Reactions/Reviews


After the infamous Duranda Incident, Rodney is being Shunned, so much so that he takes a routine task way out on a distant balcony in bad weather just to get away. Too bad he slips and falls over the edge of said balcony. Now though, he has to decide: does he take John's proffered hand, or does he let himself fall?

I've dithered over this rec for months now, primarily because of this story's length. As is often the case with SGA fic, this story is too short. Really, truly too short. As in, it should be at least five times longer to do justice to the concept.

On the other hand, the image of Rodney clinging to the railing is one that has haunted me since the first reading and I come back to the story again and again because of that image. Plus, I have a huge jones for well-done post-Trinity fic, and this is one of the best. So I do recommend you read it, and just hope that lavvyan expands the story some day so we can get our fix of whumpage. [1]


Why this must be read: It has all the angst and all the Rodney self analysis a good post-trinity fanfic must have. And, of course, all the redemption our good Dr. McKay deserves... [2]
