Traturian Thaw

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Title: Traturian Thaw
Author(s): sheafrotherdon
Date(s): 2007
Length: 4141 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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Traturian Thaw is a John/Rodney series by sheafrotherdon.

Reactions and Reviews

Trusted (by all but John) allies betray the team and one of their own is abandoned to “the old ways”. This is obviously not acceptable and they go to the rescue. Rodney in peril, John (and Teyla and Ronon) worried but wrathful. John helps Rodney recover when they get home. He tried not to think of how many hours Rodney had been gone.[1]

I adore "Traturian Thaw", as I do all of sheafrotherdon's work. It's got strong characterizations, especially John Sheppard, and an intriguing story that hooks you right from the start.[2]
