Transformers: Second Generation MUSH

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Name: Transformers: Second Generation MUSH
Date(s): 1996 or earlier - ?
Fandom: Transformers
URL: TXT file
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Transformers: Second Generation MUSH, or TF2MUSH, was a Transformers MUSH. The affiliated website was not archived.

Greetings! On behalf of the admin at Transformers: Second Generation MUSH - TF2MUSH - we'd like to invite you to stop by and check us out. We have been working hard for a few months now, but now we are ready to take The Transformers to a new level, and we hope that you will be a part of this great MUSH!

TF2MUSH's theme is based on the cartoon, but goes into the later years, only explored by the comic. The year is 1994, and the situation has turned critical. Earth has been sucked into a war that it wants no part of. The Decepticons have pressed foward, seeking to eliminate the Autobots, and to finally claims Cybertron as theirs. The Autobots' human relations are quickly falling apart. The people of Earth are starting to look at all Transformers as evil, violent machines.

The Decepticons are not without their problems. A recent civil war has caused the power base to shift to Shockwave, and then shift back to Megatron. Much ground was reclaimed by the Autobots and the Decepticons are still trying to get things back in order, which is where our MUSH's timeline begins.

So come join us and help determine what happens to the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons! If you are capable of telnetting, come telnet to: 1996 (For you nameserver-less people, the IP for that is If you want to know more, you can check out our webpages at: And when all else fails--email us at [email protected].

Thanks for reading this far. I'm sure we'll be seeing you soon!