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Too Good for You

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Title: Too Good for You
Author(s): Paulie Kay
Date(s): 1989
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Too Good for You is a Blake's 7 story by Paulie Kay.

It was published in Powerplay #4.

Reactions and Reviews

"Too Good for You" by Paulie Kay has that hardy perennial theme of men from the Liberator being forced to display their prowess to the lucky women-on-a-matriarchal-planet who acquire them; this time it's Blake and Vila's turn. Nothing you won't have read before.[1]

I think I would have classified as an adult story even though it's not explicit -- Vila and Blake are sold as sex slaves on a female-dominant planet; Avon disguises himself as a woman.[2]

This fic should not be in a gen zine! It's really weird as a gen fic - Avon disguises himself as a woman to rescue Blake and Vila who have been sold as sex slaves, but there's no sex, and it's not shippy in any way (though Avon does have to keep his arm around Vila to stop other people nicking him, which is perhaps a bit slashy). It's bizarre. Vila is a sex god on this planet and everyone fancies him (he wants to stay), whereas Blake is treated so badly on a weird impregnating farm that he represses the entire experience and has no memory of what happened at all by the end of the fic. There's stuff I like here (Avon dressing as a woman! and buying back his crewmates with ill grace. Excellent. I love a slave fic), but the fic is ultimately confusing and has no drive, which a chosen slash pairing would help with.[3]
