tom collins never had one in this bar

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Title: tom collins never had one in this bar
Author(s): Teanna
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): femslash
Fandom(s): Star Trek Voyager
Relationship(s): Janeway/Seven
External Links: Read at the heaven-of-mine archive

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tom collins never had one in this bar is a Star Trek: VOY story by Teanna.

It was nominated for a 2002 ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

Ooh, I like this. I really, really like this. It's got a darkness that I find wonderful for the light touch that accompanies it, and a humor that is too dark to be just for laughs. And running through it all there is a hearty sense of longing. All told in a somewhat to very inebriated fashion that is truly enjoyable and believable. Well done! [1]

I'm not sure what that was but I enjoyed it, especially the plings and the red. [2]

I wish Teanna would write more J/7; I really like this story, with its effective present tense and stylistic depiction of drunkenness. [3]

This story does the old UST well (for the uninitiated that stands for "unresolved sexual tension"--or so I understand). I like Janeway's hyperawareness of how close Seven's arm is to the centimeter. And I especially love Teanna's inebriated Seven. "Tom Collins Never..." is an effectively written story. [4]

A lovely moment of vintage Janeway: razor-sharp insights and a loneliness that she can't quite assuage. All the best parts of the fraught relationship between Janeway and Seven somehow summed up in a quiet night in an empty bar. [5]

The thinly sketched out setting is perfect for an intoxicated Janeway and Seven. Their interplay is priceless - showing just enough of Janeway's feelings for her protege. Lovely work and would love to see more. [6]

Such a clever little piece that will have you plinging and plonging all over the place. The thought of Seven saying "Pling Plong" is just too cute. And the rather lovely Janeway voice as she earnestly asks Seven to tell her more about the taste of "red" is beautifully done. It's the kind of fic that create these wonderful visuals - a little eccentric in execution but such a joy to read. [7]

This story makes me laugh, at the same time that it breaks my heart. Seven being drunk is so funny, and yet the story is filled with so much longing... I like it a lot. [8]

A wonderfully bizarre, not to mention inebriated, stream of consciousness narrative. The shift back and forth to second-person POV works perfectly with Janeway's disjointed thoughts and helps to bring out the feelings she would never dare to express. I love the blending of tastes, colors, and sounds into some sort of alcohol-induced synesthesia. And of course we know that Janeway will be back to her normal, repressed self in the morning, a small tragedy that she may not even be able to recognize when she's sober. An excellent story. [9]

Janeway and Seven get drunk. This fic makes you feel dizzy and drunk right along with them.[10]
