Though the Brightest Fell

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Title: Though the Brightest Fell
Author(s): Greer Watson
Date(s): 1 November 2010
Length: 470 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: "Though the Brightest Fell"
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"Though the Brightest Fell" is a ficlet by Greer Watson based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set when Laurie is still at school, in the fall term after Chapter Two, and obliquely references the events of that chapter, in which the Head of School had been expelled because of accusations made by an unpopular student, Hazell. The title is taken from a line in Macbeth.


In "Though the Brightest Fell", Laurie has been pressed by his housemaster into taking part in the school play, which this year is Macbeth. Playing Macduff, he rather looks forward to crossing swords in the final act with Hazell, who has been cast as Macbeth.


The story was written for the 2010 Spooky Challenge on the maryrenaultfics LiveJournal community, and posted on 1 November 2010.[1] It was more or less simultaneously added to the author's website.


  • "Wow, that was rather thrilling, and what a shivery ending! Thank you!"—comment by trueriver
  • "Ahhh - you had me right from the start with Lanyon's lighting panel. "—comment by my_cnnr