The Visit (Charioteer story)

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Title: The Visit
Author(s): poicale
Date(s): 21 August 2005
Length: 718 words
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"The Visit" is a short story by poicale based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set sometime after the novel, and features Laurie and his stepfather, Mr Straike.


Laurie is visiting his mother in the village. When they are alone, Straike tells him that, at a dinner the previous week, he had met up with his old friend "Mumps" Jepson. As Jepson had been Laurie's housemaster at school, he was in a position to expose Ralph Lanyon's expulsion. Straike, of course, is aware that Laurie and Ralph are friends.


"The Visit" was written in response to the Mumps Challenge, a Sunday Chat challenge to write a story "[w]herein Mumps Jepson tells Straike about the Lanyon scandal - or any variation thereof".


Comments on the story included:

  • "can only imagine that he's been touched by God...which he is seriously in need of..."—comment by my_cnnr