The Unfinished Universe

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Title: The Unfinished Universe
Author(s): Revely
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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The Unfinished Universe is an X-Files story by Revely.

Reactions and Reviews

Another fic that I'm absolutely certain is spectacular, but which I don't remember very well anymore. Mainly what I remember is that Revely's writing has exceptional emotional intelligence. Her M&S are smart, but it's the depth of feeling in them that really shines through, especially in Unfinished Universe. I just remember it being very intimate and poignant and...delicate? Like, Scully and Mulder are attempting to mend a lot of really fragile personal fragments of themselves, and there's such care and gentleness in it, and also this deep, shared well of grief for everything they've been through and lost or nearly lost.[1]


  1. ^ rec by amyhit at X-Files Book Club, October 2015