The Ties that Bind (Man from UNCLE story)

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Title: The Ties that Bind
Author(s): Taliesin
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: online here

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The Ties that Bind is a Man from U.N.C.L.E. Solo/Kuryakin story by Taliesin.

Reactions and Reviews

It’s handcuff!fic, need I say more?

It’s actually not as humorous as the premise implies – the handcuffs aren’t played for laughs but as a genuine obstacle to Napoleon and Illya’s survival. What the story really does is exemplify Napoleon and Illya’s partnership and just how well the work together. The two of them work together and play off each other flawlessly, and as a fan of earlier MFU before it became quite so farcical, I always appreciate seeing this sort of competence. Their friendship and working relationship is rock-solid; the slash component plays only a small part in the narrative, but even though it gets very little screentime, their relationship is strong enough that they can ease right into it and leave the reader with no doubt that all goes well for them.

A nice treat if you want a break from relationship angst and simply want to see the characters working together and clicking perfectly.[1]

Why this must be read: Napoleon and Illya work very close in this story, giving the title a double meaning as the two men come to realize they are tied together in more ways than the obvious. Both journeys, across country and toward a deeper relationship, are equally well written. There's plenty of excitement as the two agents flee for their lives, yet always there's the banter, a trademark of this particular partnership, that added to my enjoyment as it both hid, yet made blatantly obvious, their mutual affection. And I was delighted by the plot twist I never saw coming.[2]


  1. ^ Epic Recs, 2009
  2. ^ from Crack Van (May 28, 2005)