The Thousandth Man (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: The Thousandth Man
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: AO3

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The Thousandth Man is a Blake's 7 story by Helen Parkinson.

Reactions and Reviews

This is one of my favourites, and one I like to use when trying to explain the appeal of Beautiful Suffering :-) It's an AU version of the episode Rumour of Death, where Avon deliberately put himself in the hands of the Federation to find the torturer who killed his lover; Helen twists the plot by bringing in the missing Blake, also a prisoner. The plot then follows their escape, made more difficult by Avon's injuries, and the fall-out when they return to the Liberator which Blake left months ago...

I love the characterisation of both Avon and Blake in this, plus the short but effective appearance of DelGrant, a character from an earlier canon episode. Also, I found this an unusually *visually* vivid story, the Federation prison and the people within it very easy to see and hear (and even smell at one stage - the nightmarish scene in the prison incinerator is brilliant). And of course there's Avon injured and suffering and Blake - not too strong himself - trying to rescue and take care of him.

Great stuff.[1]


  1. ^ Sally M at Gen Fic Crit, May 2004