The Secrets Beneath

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Title: The Secrets Beneath
Author(s): Sally Fell
Date(s): 2004
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: The Secrets Beneath

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"The Secrets Beneath" by Sally Fell is a Bodie/Doyle story.

It was originally published in Secret Agent Men #4 and is online.


My name's Bodie," he said, his face like thunder. "One of you is Mr. Doyle, I take it?" An AU story.

Reactions and Reviews

An AU, where Doyle is an archaeologist and Bodie a land manager. Not only do they fall foul of each other, but of ne'er-do-wells such as treasure hunters and ex-lovers. They may not be in CI5 but this is our Bodie and Doyle: I love these characters, plot, dialogue and oh the relationship… [1]

Why this must be read: Because it's wonderful. *g* I can't quite believe that it's not been recced here yet, because this is one of my favourite Pros stories. It's an AU story, where Doyle is an archaeologist (investigative, tenacious, passionate about what he does - geddit?) and Bodie is property manager (efficient, protective - see?) of the land where something rather special is discovered. They meet as Doyle is setting up the dig, and of course there turns out to be mayhem, bad guys and danger - just as in the eps. This is another one of those stories that's just imbued with passion and love - of the lads for each other, and of the author for both Bodie and Doyle - as well as the setting. You can tell that Sally Fell is familiar with it all, with every last spadeful of earth removed, with the state of the tents, with village life. As a result Bodie and Doyle fit here, they're utterly themselves placed in another world, which is, for me, the perfect AU. It's one of those stories that will leave you feeling absolutely in love with the lads, and that the world is just as it should be... [2]

This is one of my favorites too! I love the initial irritation/antagonism; denial, ultimate attraction, misunderstanding, angst, seperation... sigh. And some h/c too! Such a melting pot of emotions. This is one of the stories I return to time and again. [3]


  1. ^ from a 2006 rec50
  2. ^ 2011 comments at Crack Van
  3. ^ 2011 comments at Crack Van