The Rest

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Title: The Rest
Author(s): russian_blue
Date(s): 20 December 2011
Length: 2075 words
Genre(s): futurefic
Fandom(s): The Sandbaggers, James Bond
External Links: The Rest in the Yuletide 2011 Collection at AO3

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The Rest is a short story by russian_blue based on the Yorkshire Television spy series The Sandbaggers. It is a crossover story with James Bond (specifically Casino Royale and James Bond movies).

The summary, "Very few people remember where M came from," ably sets out the story's premise: that Marianne Straker (Neil Burnside's second secretary, who in the last episode indicates she would like to be trained as a field agent) eventually becomes the 'M' of James Bond films.

The story was written as a treat for Yuletide 2011 and given to three participants: ide_cyan (who had requested Sandbaggers fic), etothey, and Tevere (whose interests appear to have rested more with James Bond and Casino Royale).


The Rest proved a relatively popular story within the Yuletide collection, eliciting 10 comments, 30 kudos and 245 hits as of 07/01/2012. Comments included:

  • "M's moment as a Sandbagger is just chilling." — comment by Tevere
  • "I can definitely see Burnside's fingerprints all over her, especially the part where she's behind the 'disbanding' of the Sandbaggers - that's such a Burnsidian bait-and-switch."— comment by gollumgollum
