The Quick and the Dead

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Title: The Quick and the Dead
Author(s): Linda Norman
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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The Quick and the Dead is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Linda Norman.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #5.

Reactions and Reviews

Linda Norman is one of my favorite B7 writers, and her two stories in this zine live up to expectations. I have one minor complaint about the editing: I wish that the two stories had not been placed together, as the placement initially gave me the impression that they are part of a sequence in the same universe, like the first two stories in the zine. But no, they are completely separate. In "The Quick and the Dead," Avon uses a professional male courtesan on a doomed planet to make Blake jealous. He is repaid for his cruelty to the courtesan in a startling way. "Secrets" deals with Blake's discovery of the darker side of Avon's sexual interests, with a seemingly happy resolution that, however, points toward ultimate tragedy. Very B7, very well done.[1]

A strange fic where Blake and Avon are in a relationship and Avon accepts the offer of a beautiful, mostly mute eunuch-companion while on a planet somewhere (the summaries available on Hermit/Fanlore at the moment give a very inaccurate picture of what this fic might be like, btw, in case you were wondering). I'm not against any of the things I mentioned in my summary, I just feel a bit off-kilter all the way through the fic, as I don't quite understand what is going on for a long time (this is where a fic summary by the author is a useful device, as we could have been given some of the info before the story started, unless it's supposed to be a mystery but if it is then I am not he person to appreciate it), and even once I do understand what's going on with the B/A I then I don't quite understand what happens at the end of the fic. The established relationship stuff is really nice, though, and Linda Norman is is a good writer. I just find this fic a bit strange in general.[2]

The Quick and the Dead (A/B) -- Linda Norman: Avon, Blake and Vila on a doomed planet, entertained by eunuchs. A tone of loss throughout. Sad but rather beautiful.[3]
