The Other Alternative

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Title: The Other Alternative
Author(s): Susan K. James
Date(s): 1978
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The Other Alternative is a Star Trek: TOS story by Susan K. James.

It was published in the print zine Galactic Discourse #2.

Reactions and Reviews

A happy-ending alternative to “City on the Edge of Forever.” Kirk stays, marries Edith, and prevents her from meeting Roosevelt and holding back the war. Points for the idea. [1]

'The Other Alternative' is a very short hint at an alternative ending for 'City on the Edge of Forever' in which Edith Keeler lives, but Kirk prevents her from beginning the Peace Movement and thus changing history. ... Perhaps I'm a little dense, but I seem to have missed the whole point of this brief vignette. How did Kirk stop her? By living with her for six years? Did he convince her the PM was wrong? How?... Ms. James would have had to include more in this story to convince me. And besides, I cannot see Kirk simply leaving Edith. [2]
