The New Year's Affair

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Title: The New Year's Affair
Author(s): Tori
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Man from UNCLE
External Links: U.N.C.L.E. File 40

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The New Year's Affair is a gen Man from UNCLE story by Tori.

Reactions and Reviews

Adventure-based angst with a real scries feel. The author nails New Year's Eve in Times Square circa 1967, from the "mating dance" atmosphere of an aggressively hip party right down to the last icy bolt on the ladder leading Napoleon to a tripped-out lllya's rescue. The story deftly shifts from a revealing boys' night out to an extended, hair-raisingly suspenseful chase, with lllya as the unwitting fox. The closing bedside obbligato is not quite as finely tuned as the rest of the story, but has the charm of returning our boys to us perfectly in character in time for the credit roll.[1]


  1. ^ from Z.I.N.E.S. v.1 n.3