The New School

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Title: The New School
Author(s): DubbleV
Date(s): 28 July 2008 - 09 June 2009
Length: 93,825 Words
77 Chapters
Genre(s): Romance/Friendship, Slice of Life, Teen-rated Het
Fandom(s): Total Drama
External Links: The New School, Archived version on FFN

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The New School is a Courtney/Duncan Total Drama fic on FanFiction.Net. It's notable for the sheer amount of reviews it has; only Total Drama Comeback and its sequel series Total Drama Battlegrounds have more reviews in FFN's Total Drama category as of 2024. The fic follows Courtney as she transfers schools in her last year of high school, meeting and eventually dating Duncan. As the story went on, original characters were introduced and became main characters.

you think YOUR last year at High School was bad? read this and compare. Many years after TDI and Courtney ends up going to Duncan's high school for the last year. a few close friends, a few close enemies, and more then the normal teen can handel.

The New School's summary on FFN

The New School very much had a "hayday." The fic is relatively unknown as of the 2020s after the TD fic-fandom's migration over to Archive of Our Own around 2020, as it's not on AO3 in any capacity.

DubbleV also wrote other popular Courtney/Duncan stories such as The Side Unseen.


twilightroxmysoxforever chapter 1 . Jul 30, 2008

this is so funny! omg write more. its strange how metal bats always pop into your storys. lol love it

SilentKiller1 chapter 10 . Aug 5, 2008

jeez duncan, ask the girl out

The Trash King chapter 51 . Aug 26, 2008

Wow. She escaped so easily. That kinda blows. But anyway, JOLLY GOOD, CHAP! That was-YAY! I mean-YAY! They don't suck BTW. You always put yourself down. All authors do that. Listen to me. .HELLAGOOD! I just wanted to tell you. Again. And I will next chapter too. and the one after that, and after that, and after that, and you get the picture. I will support you to the very end, and far beyond that.

ok no chapter 64 . Sep 20, 2008
THIS CHAPTER WAS NOT CRAP! (I'm not supposed to type that word...) anyway, why are you driving to Mexico? and, i hope your wrist gets better! i know how it fells to have a broken wrist... i broke my left one two years ago... DO NOT JUMP ON YOUR BED, EVER!

i has review chapter 66 . Oct 20, 2008
wow ur right...this story IS shit! _

lol jk im glad to see you FINALY started writing again ] keep up the good work

ps: its "alzheimers" not "old timers"

Thisaccountisclosedhurrr chapter 74 . Mar 1, 2009

randomzchicka chapter 77 . Jun 8, 2010
THIS IS THE MOST AWESOMEST STORY EVER! though Duncan is an EXTREME perv... BUT THIS IS IS SO AWESOME! I LOVE STRING! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS HOW AWESOME STRING IS! UPDATE OR I WILL SEND MY ARMY TO KILL U AND EVERY1 IN UR AUTHOR'S NOTE! DONT THINK UR THE ONLY ONE WITH A FEW WEAPONS IN HER CLOSET! btw i have a pet snake named Mr. Burrito! dont make fun of his name! the last person who did... lets just say it ended with a bunch of lawsuits and a LONG time in my room... anywayz UPDATE OR I WILL LOCK U IN MY TRUNK WITH MR. BURRITO!

zebraprintlover101 chapter 77 . Dec 8, 2013
Amazing! Just simply amazing. You haven't updated in forever though please do. I have read this story multiple times and I fall in love with it over and over again!(:

Lexi chapter 1 . Jul 3, 2018
The 10 year anniversary is coming up for this story and it’s crazy I remember reading it for the first time and being soooo obsessed. And honestly this story really impacted my life, idk maybe I’m just being cheesy but I really fall in love with every character and I will never forget this story

References/Further Reading