The Homecoming King

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Title: Earth on a Shoestring
Author(s): zeplum
Date(s): October 2005
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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The Homecoming King is a Stargate Atlantis Elizabeth Weir/Evan Lorne story by zeplum.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: Some comfy older stories today, from way back before Lorne even had an official first name. If this one doesn't leave you smiling then, well, I don't know what's wrong with you. It's a story about the smoking hotness of Elizabeth, the hard-working adorableness of Lorne, and, as plum puts it, the Misfit High that is Atlantis. Lorne is sadly underutilised on the show, but this is a lovely version of him, sincere and protective and slightly out of place, just like the rest of them. And with a small crush on Elizabeth. Who can blame him.[1]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, September 2007