The Heart Hath Its Reasons (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: The Heart Hath Its Reasons
Author(s): Merry
Date(s): 2000
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: The Heart Hath Its Reasons

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The Heart Hath Its Reasons is a Sentinel story by Merry.

Reactions and Reviews

I am very thankful to the folks on Senfic who recommended this story, because it is just so great! To start off with, we've got a Blair-as-empath story which actually gives an explanation, instead of just doing a what-if-Blair-was-empathic thing; weaving in little bits of canon to add to the plausibility. The actual empathy itself isn't the usual "sensing emotions" kind of thing so much as it is a really strong intuition and insight; it doesn't come across as a catalogue of emotion-names, but an impulse and a need to mend what is broken, and a reaching for the right words, the communication with the other person...

And that's only the start. Yes, there's a bit of fanon there that says that Jim can't control his senses very well without Blair there, but that's only a small bit, and the only niggle I had. The character stuff with Jim and Blair is just superb, insights and misunderstandings and friendship and heroism. Drama and angst, banter and courage. Gotcha moments. Leading us on, little by little, and then whamming us.

And lots of bits I want to quote.... Just go and read it. And pester the author for a sequel.

Addendum: nominated for favourite drama story in the 2001 Cascade Times Awards.[1]

It's the end of an era: Merry Lynne finished Heart! More formally known as The Heart Has Its Reasons, this story's been in progress longer than I've been a Sentinel fan. Best of all, it's been worth the wait. It's gen, but they're still the most important thing in each other's lives, and the evolution of their relationship (and cool extrapolation of the universe) is wound through a darkly gripping plot.[2]

While investigating the brutal slaying of several teenagers (with the threat of more killings to come), Jim realizes that Blair might have some potential gifts of his own. Unfortunately, Blair's gift is threatening to kill him.

A good, solid casefic -- the mystery is layered and suspenseful and the stakes high. Jim and Blair's relationship is also under pressure as Blair embraces denial when it comes to his powers and what they might mean for him and for Jim. The characterization are great all around, especially Jim (who feels that sometimes Blair needs a bit more obsessive hovering than just one person can provide) and Blair (headstrong. Just... so very headstrong). Finally, I love the fact that Major Crimes gets to be competent even when Jim and Blair aren't around.

Angsty, dark, and a bit grim, but full of solid police work and an intriguing mystery. Great for people who love a good case fic.[3]

And here is one of my favorite lines in this (or any) story, perfectly encapsulating the relationship: "It was exactly what had happened when the two of them met for the first time -- Jim putting up walls and defenses and Blair sailing past them like he didn't even notice. Jim Ellison was a practical man. When it became clear there was no keeping him out, Jim just rebuilt the walls with Blair on the inside." [4]

I started reading this story years ago when it was a WIP and waited.. and waited.. for the last installment. I wasn't disappointed. I think Merry has a style all her own, her stories are powerful yet subtle. Martha's writing has the same affect on me. As much as I enjoyed (nay, loved) "Heart" and it's ending I was left with this "unfinished" feeling, like maybe the last part was a bit rushed. It needed an *epilog* for the lack of a better word. [5]


  1. ^ 2001 comments at Katspace
  2. ^ All Jewels Have Flaws... or... Net (dot) Bitch Does Recs, 2000
  3. ^ 2009 comments at Epic Recs
  4. ^ 2009 comments at Epic Recs
  5. ^ Kelly K at Gen Fic Crit, May 2002