The Darkness Within Him

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Title: The Darkness Within Him
Author(s): ML
Date(s): February 2001
Length: 48K
Fandom: X-Files
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The Darkness Within Him is an X-Files story by ML.

The pairing: Mulder/other UST.

Reactions and Reviews

This was a tough one [finding a fic to rec for the ep "3"]. Believe or not, there are not many writers out there who wanted fix-it fic for this episode, and probably not many readers either. I guess for most viewers the sex scene is what made them most upset. But what disturbed me was the way the writers set it up so that Kristen felt like she had no choice but to set herself on fire. There is one story that I read which takes Kristen Kilar and gives her a different choice than self-immolation. I’d rec it for that alone, but it’s by ML so it’s well-written, too. The story is from Mulder’s POV, and follows his path from “3” through the end of “One Breath.” The difference is that he does save Kristen’s life, and brings her back with him to Washington D.C. Don’t worry, they don’t end up together—ML is a huge Mulder/Scully shipper, plus the story is really more about Mulder—but Kristen Kilar at least gets a better ending, and a life that she chooses for herself. If you want to read it, you’ll need to click on the link which is to all of the spoiler fic for “3,” then scroll to the story link. Gossamer doesn’t allow direct links to fic, and this early story isn’t even on ML’s website.[1]
