The Cypress Club

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Name: The Cypress Club
Dates: April 29, 2001 - ?
Type: shared universe
Fandom: Wrestling RPF
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The Cypress Club was a Wrestling RPF shared universe.


Inspired by the ExtremelyKinkyWrestlingFic mailing list, the erotic classic The Story of O, and the Thieves' World anthologies, the Cypress Club is a shared world setting for no holds bared wrestling fanfiction in an Alternate Universe setting. Anything is possible long as it creates no inconsistencies with any other stories in the series. The main objective of the series is to give a gritty edge to the fandom that is otherwise lacking. This is not a knock on the many wonderful authors that write the stories we all know and love, merely an idea spawned by the thought that we could do with a deeper exploring of what many might consider disturbing material (i.e. incest, drug use, torture, death, extreme sexplay, etc.) without censoring anything. We revel in the ability of authors to break past barriers they've set up for themselves, their ability to let free the dark tales they may not have realized were lurking inside them. Due to the nature of the setting, even "happy" fics will have a somewhat darker tone.
