The Cloister Bell

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You may be looking for the Doctor Who zine, Cloister Bell.

Recommendation Website
Name: The Cloister Bell
Reccer(s): Livii
Dates: 2006-2008 (last update)
Focus: fanfiction
Fandom: Doctor Who
URL: The Cloister Bell

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The Cloister Bell is a Doctor Who recommendations site by Livii, founded in November 2006. It recommends "new skool, old skool, gen, het, slash, femslash, crossovers, long, short, and everything in between." [1] As of 2012, the site contains around a hundred recs, mainly gen, het and femslash. The last recorded update was in July 2008.


  1. ^ The Cloister Bell: Index (accessed 24 April 2012)