The Big Boy's Guide to Venous Occlusion

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Title: The Big Boy's Guide to Venous Occlusion
Author(s): Lori
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): het
External Links: AO3

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The Big Boy's Guide to Venous Occlusion is a Star Trek: TNG Picard/Troi story by Lori.

Some of them were nominated for a 2002 ASC Award. This story is part of the Captain and Counselor series.

Reactions and Reviews

A very clever Deanna here tries to console Jean-Luc about a certain problem. A very interesting premise told in a tongue-in-cheek manner with lots of, um, factual evidence to back Deanna up. Definately a fun story. [1]

This difficult (dare one say hard?) topic is not one usually tackled in fanfic, and even if it were, it probably wouldn't be handled as well as Lori does here. As always, the conversation between Picard and Troi really sparkles, and the sensitivity and warmth and caring they have for one another really comes through (along with a whole lot of information I'm sure most of us never knew or thought to ask). This is another fine addition to the amazing Captain and Counselor series. [2]

Once again, a nice job done with the P/T realtionship. Keep on writing, I'll keep reading. [3]

The is classic Lori. Tongue in cheek, humourous, well-written, psychological and unique. [4]

This is my favorite Lori story. This story, a part of the Captain and Counselor series, explores the beginning of the Troi/Picard relationship from Deanna's POV. As usual, Lori gets into Deanna Troi's head like no other author I know, and this story illustrates her talent perfectly. It's excellent, really, and should be read by all Trek fans. Lori makes Picard/Troi so believable and so much more plausible and interesting than the now-canon Riker/Troi (blech). [5]

I enjoyed Deanna's lecture on the History and Anatomy of Tab A more than Jean Luc did. I definitely sensed his annoyance, but she got through his thick skull in the end. The info-dumps, dialogue and wandering around the holodeck fit into Deanna's plan quite well.[6]
