The Anvil Zine

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Title: The Anvil Zine
Type: Harry/Hermione
Date(s): August 2005 - July 2007
Size: 2 Volumes, 23 Issues
Fandom: Harry Potter
Language: English
External Links: Archived on Subtle Signs
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The Anvil Zine was a Harry/Hermione zine created by members from Project Harmony and It featured the latest in H/Hr news, fanfic, fanart, along with forum and fandom reporting. It also provided the news segment for The Harmony Podcast.

Subtle Signs, a H/Hr fansite archived the zine on their website.

Volume 1

Volume 1 included:

  • Introduction
  • Fanfic Reviews
    • Gidget’s Reviews
      • Sword and Shield – Phoenix Firebolt
      • Sinking of the Ships : Fixing the Problem – I_am_Delusional
      • My Way – romulus lupin
    • Phoenix Firebolt’s Reviews
      • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by Jordan
      • Hermione’s All That by harryherm84
      • Believe in the Delusional by harryherm84
  • Essays
    • Deja Vu: Uncanny Resemblances between Chamber of Secrets and Half-Blood Prince by Gwen
    • Ginny’s Powers: Beyond the Bat-Bogey Hex by Gwen
  • Community
  • Games
    • Crossword
    • cryptoquote

Volume 2