Tea (Interrupted)

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Title: Tea (Interrupted)
Author(s): Greer Watson
Date(s): 28 January 2011
Length: 1559 words
Genre(s): backstory, missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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"Tea (Interrupted)" is a short story by Greer Watson based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set just prior to Chapter Two, and fills in details of the events leading up to that chapter. Most of the characters are canon.


Ralph and several of his fellow prefects are having tea in their study when they are interrupted by a younger boy with a message from their house master, Mr Jepson. When Ralph responds, he discovers that Hazell—a student with whom he has been sexually involved—has gone to Jepson to confess all...and rather more.


"Tea (Interrupted)" was written during the third chapter-by-chapter discussion of The Charioteer conducted by members of the maryrenaultfics LiveJournal community, as part of the writing project for Chapter Two: to write a missing scene from that portion of the story. The story was posted to the community on 28 January 2011,[1] and more or less simultaneously posted to the author's website.


The story elicited a number of comments, including the following:

  • "I really liked this, the warmth and comfort of the prefects' tea, then the puzzlement over Jeepers's line of questions."—comment by queen_ypolita
  • "Fantastic! The scene in the prefects' room is great, especially the bit about how Mr Stewart wouldn't have sent for anyone during tea, and Treviss and his toast!"—comment by fanged_geranium
  • "Very nice. I like how you show Ralph's integrity and concern for his friends, the other students in his House and the School in general when he decides not to dispute Hazell's 'confession'."—comment by addie71