Talk:Where Were... You?!

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This zine is going to be a nightmare to redirect. Any idea of how to do it easy?

Where Were You?! Where Were...You?! Where Were You?! Where Were You? Where Were...You?

Mrs. Potato Head 15:03, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

Some entries are just nightmarish and need lots of redirects. This isn't helped by the search engine sucking. If it didn't, the right result would turn up at least there if you entered a variety that has no redirect, but often that doesn't happen. Like when you enter "trek zines" in the search bar, you'd tink that would give you the "Star Trek/Fanzines" page as result and that K/S zine list page, but neither actually appears on the first page of the results which is just bizarre. Sorry that I'm not more help.--Ratcreature 15:23, 21 August 2009 (UTC)