Talk:OTW Finance Committee

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Finance Chairs Timeline

  • 2012: Nikisha Sanders
  • 2013-14: Cat Meier & Nikisha Sanders
  • 2015: M.J. McRae

I was doing some reading, and realized I had a few questions about the timeline here. If anyone knows answers and can update it, please do so

  • Was there an alternating between Meier and Sanders during the 2013-14, or were they simultaneous co-chairs?
  • Was Sanders the finance chair in the first half of 2015, or just Treasurer?

-- FBV (talk) 04:18, 17 August 2022 (UTC)

Oh, I'd actually forgotten about this part entirely until I went digging to try to find out more. I think Cat was nominally co-chair the entire time. But if memory serves she wasn't particularly active in that role, because in 2014 the Board voted to dissolve the nominally-existing-but-not-really Finance committee, acknowledging that then-treasurer Nikisha Sanders was doing all the treasurer work herself anyway. If I recall correctly, the Finance committee existed in limbo after that time (so Sanders was not chair, just treasurer, and the same for MJ); the Board had voted to dissolve it, but hadn't told Volunteers & Recruiting to remove it from our internal documentation, so it was still listed in all OTW internal tools. And then the OTW 2015 Board Election mess started, Sanders was kicked out, and eventually Finance became a proper committee again. I have no idea how to document any of this properly, and we don't really have clear sources for much of it, because it's old and/or internal. --PriscillaD (talk) 14:49, 17 August 2022 (UTC)