Talk:Gods of the Copybook Headings

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Could the person who made this entry please advise how they come to have an 'anthology zine' containing two stories which to the knowledge of their author were never anthologised and certainly did not appear in an undated edition? This sounds like a pirate production. Gods of the Copybook Headings appeared as a one-off zine under the title Disinformation and was never subsequently anthologised as it remains unfinished to this day, and Cities and Thrones and Powers appeared in an issue of Enigma. Information taken from a pirated zine is likely to be unreliable.

I put the entry in. I don't own a single zine myself, so no item in hand here. I got the information from the University of Iowa's Special Collection information [1] If you feel they have incorrect info, then you can contact them. If you feel I should delete this faulty information here, then say the word, and I will. I simply work with what information I have. Mrs. Potato Head 16:34, 8 November 2009 (UTC)
Forgot this part. Other info from which I cross-referenced,

" 2nd Hand Zines for Other Fandoms Condition: 2nd Hand (Good Condition). 1984 Single Sandbaggers story. Part one of The Gods of the Copybook Headings by Sue Stuart. (106 pages) ... - Similar

2nd Hand Zines for Other Fandoms Mary Beth Edwards £13.96. Condition: 2nd Hand (Good Condition). 1984 Single Sandbaggers story. Part one of The Gods of the Copybook Headings by Sue Stuart. ... - Similar" [1] Mrs. Potato Head 16:37, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

And the other source I used was the original entry for The Sandbaggers on Fanlore. The zine in question was entered at that point. Please tell me what I should do about this entry, folks. Mrs. Potato Head 16:42, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

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Well, it seems the U of Iowa have incorrect information and probably a pirated copy. I'll contact them but meanwhile will correct this page. User:Vermeil

In fact since even the zine title is wrong, I would suggest deleting this page completely. I'll create a new one. User: Vermeil

It seems that Herrold bought or got a copy of a pirated zine, and when she donated her collection to the library, they cataloged it without knowing all the information. I've been a cataloging librarian at a university for 24 years, and know you're always only working with what ya got. I'll delete this record. Mrs. Potato Head 17:18, 8 November 2009 (UTC)
Why delete? A pirated zine is still an existing zine, and for fandom history I think it is quite interesting which zines were popular enough to bootleg. Why not just note that it is an unauthorized copy?--Ratcreature 18:18, 8 November 2009 (UTC)
That makes a lot of sense. I cataloged a couple of bootlegged Blake's 7 zines via Proctor's site, and I marked them as such. In the end, how do folks want to handle it? Do we need to bring this issue to a larger audience (how and where, I don't know) in some way? Mrs. Potato Head 18:54, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

I agree that the information that there is a pirated or unauthorised version of a zine should be retained, but alongside the correct information and additional to it, not instead of it. User:Vermeil