Talk:Canadian Shack Fic

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Canadian Perspectives???

As a Canadian I think it could be important to add a section on responses/perspectives of Canadians and non-Canadians alike. Personally this trope is a little weird to me and has very America-Centric undertones. Concerning-aragorn (talk) 02:26, 14 June 2024 (UTC)

I'm Brazilian and really being a trope started in an English-speaking North American fandom, obviously this would be more widely used by countries in the region (Canada and the USA). I don't remember works made by Brazilians that use the theme, but I know that there is an author here who writes in English and if I'm not mistaken, she wrote a fic with this trope. But unfortunately it was in English and with a fandom that takes place in countries where there is snow, therefore still very focused on what I mentioned above. I believe that even using the term America-Centric is a bit strange, because I myself think of America as a continent, and the USA as a country within it, but which I never call America. But I really liked your point of view, having people at Fanlore beyond the USA group is great -- Ellakbhesse (talk) 03:09, 14 June 2024 (UTC)

Thanks for your perspective! I probably should have said USA-centric, I say that because this trope tends to represent Canada from an outside perspective (very often USA perspectives) and not from an actual Canadian perspective which can lead to feels of exocticism if that’s a word. It feels like USAmericans write this trope in a very “Look at how crazy Canada is” way and not from a genuine point of representing Canada. This is coming from a Canadian who has spent many years in Canadian shacks in the woods LOL. Concerning-aragorn (talk) 03:18, 14 June 2024 (UTC)