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Title: TQ
Author(s): Mercutio
Date(s): 1996
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TNG
External Links: online here

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TQ is a Star Trek: TNG Picard/Q story by Mercutio.

Q forces Picard to acknowledge submissive fantasies.

It was the winner of a 1996 ASC Award.

Author's Notes

"This story contains explicit descriptions of sex, and a dominance/submission type relationship (which is more than a little non-consensual, especially at first), as well as the character of Q. If you are offended by any of these concepts, please stop reading now. If not, well, you're in good company.  ;) (And "TQ" stands for "thank you", a very common abbreviation on the net. I changed the title to that after Alara so vehemently denounced the other story entitled "Thank Q". I just gotta be different somehow.  ;) )"